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No project too small… Graphics-Video-Live-Streaming-Websites-E-Commerce-Photo-Shop
Sports / Action Photographers:
Thank you for inquiring with BCM Sports Graphics. This hobby has become a passion for me and the public has seemed to really like what I’m able to provide.
Often, I randomly select photos online of friends who post action shots and enhance them freely. Hoping for a donation for for son’s memorial, Brian Crawford Memorial, but never asking for one. I would like to use action photos from photographers listed exclusively within my online market place or at least give them an online opportunity.
This is a really good opportunity for those who enjoy photography as a hobby and/or looking to create an online opportunity with help. If you are submitting photographs for consideration on a custom graphic design that could possibly be considered as copyrighted protected please feel free to inquire with those parties about this opportunity. I’d like to help them enhance their market and sales opportunities.
Photographers | Sports | Action Shots | Live-Streaming | SID – Sports Information Consulting | Education
Currently accepting photographers who would like to partner with us and our online marketplace. Setup and maintain your own personal online market space, merchant account, reporting, etc… Increase your sales by creating partnership with our graphics enhancements or your own projects.
Athletic Departments, Sports Clubs, Interns…
This is a good fundraising or learning educational opportunity. Contact us if this might be a good fit for you or your organization.
BCM Sports Graphics | Kenneth Crawford | 405-642-9592
BCM Sports Market Place | Brian Crawford Memorial | BCM Sports